Sanding and Polishing
Floor Sanding, Floor Polishing Sydney & Floor Sanding Northern Beaches
Floor sanding is the process that smooths the surface of timber floors by removing the top layer of material. It is a machine based process that uses abrasion to rid the floor’s surface of any uneven or worn out areas. You can decide for yourself if your floors need sanding and polishing. Alternatively, you can seek a bit of professional advice regarding floor sanding Sydney from our proficient workforce. We have considerable experience in sanding, completing each project with flying colours.
We always prepare wooden floors before sanding. First, we deal with any protruding nails. Then staples are removed and adhesives are scrubbed. This is necessary to prevent damage to our sanding equipment, and to ensure there is no delay in completing the project. Next, we ensure the floor is completely level, dealing with any height difference between the individual floor boards. These preparations ensure a plain floor surface that allows a coating to spread neatly and evenly. Consequently, the finish will meet high standards.
We are well aware of the fact that dust can compromise the quality of a floor’s finish. Therefore, we use modern equipment designed to minimize the presence of dust particles. We constantly test emerging technology and update to latest and most efficient products when necessary. This helps us deliver the best flooring results and the highest possible level of customer satisfaction.
- How to efficiently sand your floor from unlevel surfaces to previously polished and new floors. Parquetry patterns and out deck are also covered.
- How to use our machinery to sanding correctly without causing dents, swirl marks or chatter marks.
- How to polish floor with various types of finish – solvent based, water based and oil based.
Looking for a Floorsander Sydney. There are many reasons to choose our service.