Questions For Wooden Floor Sanders Sydney

To make sure you are getting the most out of a service you should know the right questions to ask.

What sort of environmentally friendly coatings do you use?

One great advantage of hardwood (or Bamboo) is the reduced impact on the environment. As long as we are growing more wood (as trees) we are pulling some CO2 out of the atmosphere.

But chemicals used to treat the wood, or to provide protective coatings, is another matter. These stains and protective coatings may contain volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs), and these can either be bad for the environment or bad for our health.

Ask for VOC free products.

Computer Modeling the Finished Result

There can be a difference between the expectation and the actual finished product. Accurate computer modelling can give a good impression of what to expect, and you might want to make a few adjustments in light of this information.


Do you live on the second floor? Are the people downstairs going to be bothered whenever you walk on the wooden floor?

Consider a subfloor and floating floor.

Pets and Claws

Pets can scratch floors because of their hard claws. Trimming the claws is one solution. Else, floors can be given a protective coating. Laminate floors can be rated AC4 or AC5 for harder protective finishes.

Floor Sanding Northern Beaches

If you need floor sanding Sydney wide then talk to us. Restore your hardwood floors, and look at protective coatings, wood stains and finishes. Ask us for advice.