Floor Sanding Sydney

Pine Flooring

Floor Sanding Northern Beaches

Pine is one type of timber flooring material. It is popular with some homeowners, and suits some situations, having some advantages and a few disadvantages compared to other woods.

Pine is quite cheap. This is why we see it used so often for shelves and furniture. It is about half the price of other woods.

Pine looks quite good. The natural light colour gives a very open look to a room, bright and cheery. It can be anything from neat white to golden. Alternately, it is easy to dye a different colour, deep brown or red.

Minimal shrinkage – No solid timber is immune to this, but pine is quite stable once the wood is cut into planks and left to settle. In extremely humid weather a coat of polyurethane will further reduce what minimal shrinkage issues that occur.

Durable – Some pine floors will last for a hundred years under reasonable conditions, even though it is technically a softwood. They are not as durable as quality hardwoods, but they are far better than most non-timber floors.

Environmentally Friendly – Because pine grows reasonably quickly it is more sustainable than most other woods. It can be replanted and harvested economically.

Re-sanding – Like any solid timber floor pine can be re-sanded to look like new.


Scratching – Pine will suffer superficial damaged quite easily. But if we use coasters under furniture and remove our shoes this scratching can be minimal.

Finishing – Pine is old without any protective coating, so we will need to apply a stain, a finish or polyurethane after it has been installed.

Floor Sanding Sydney

Timber floors remains popular. It is long lasting and can be re-sanded if you want to restore the original appearance.